When we go to confession, we ought to understand what we are going to do. It might be said that we are going to unfasten Our Lord from the Cross. When you have made a good confession, you have chained up the devil…Our faults are like a grain of sand beside the great mountain of the mercies of the good God.”
~ St. John Vianney
As creation moves through necessary stages of growth and renewal, so too do our lives follow the similar pattern in matters of faith. As we have come to new life in the Sacrament of Baptism, that life is in constant need of refreshment and renewal as it continues to grow into its full stature. A child’s 1st Reconciliation is the next step in their faith development, in which they begin to understand, take responsibility, and seek to always grow in the love that God provides the soul. It is a blessed time and experience for a child as their life becomes that much more infused with the life of God.
The 1st Reconciliation Preparation Program occurs alongside the 2nd Grade Faith Formation classes and consists of parent orientation meetings, parent & child meetings, and workshops all towards the liturgical celebration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation in further preparation for one’s 1st Holy Communion.
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact the faith formation office.